Buddy Wakefield - A Choir of Honest Killers - Live in L.A.
Buddy Wakefield is a three-time world champion spoken word artist, the inaugural author released on Write Bloody Publishing, founder of Awful Good Writers, and the most toured performance poet in history.
Wakefield's A Choir of Honest Killers world tour was cut significantly short by coronavirus. This is the last recorded show from that tour, performed to a sold-out audience on December 15, 2019 in Los Angeles, California at Dynasty Typewriter. It is known to be of Buddy's most cherished performances from 20+ years of perpetual touring.
"Vulnerability is what made every movie, sang every song, and wrote every poem that ever plugged a life back into itself." —Buddy Wakefield
Includes performances of Hurling Crowbirds at Mockingbars, Riled Up & Wasted On Light, and new work not previously performed on tour.